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Posted on January 14th, 2011

(by: Grace Giduquio-Larona)

I had undergone infertility treatment with Repro Optima since 2008. My first intrauterine insemination (IUI for brevity) on the said year yielded a negative result. It was very traumatic on my part. I stopped my treatment just to spare myself from further emotional stress. As a certified workaholic, I devoted my time to work. When things started to simmer down, I realized the vacuum inside my heart. I was happy with my life. But I cannot deny the longing deep inside, that is, my desire to have a baby.

I took another leap of faith on 2009. It was during this time that my faith in myself, in science and in the Almighty God was tested. Having all the necessary comforts in life I was convinced that it would suffice. However, it was only fleeting. Again, reality confronted me with what is really essential. Life itself is the most essential. We took another big shot at trying again of having a baby. We had another sheer strength to withstand the rigors of the procedure. It was not easy to pull together all the resources we needed to have. But His miraculous and mighty hand showed the way albeit doubt popped out of the blue every time things seemed so insurmountable. I only have that faith that miracles still happen these days. I cling on the inner belief that He had never turned me down in every prayer. It could be done in His time. Thus, I went back to treatment at Repro Optima. I had my second IUI and it turned out to be negative. This time it was confirmed that Danny also had problem with his sperm count and its quality. We were given another shot at IUI before we will resort to invitro fertilization. We resorted to invitro fertilization as our last option on December 2009 instead of the third try of IUI. It was not easy for me since it demanded a lot of time and resources. I have to be in the clinic after my court hearings for monitoring. I have to lessen my work load in order for me not to be stressed out. But all of these were mitigated with how Dr. Tan and her staff took care of me. Dr. Tan explained thoroughly the procedure, its success rate, its risks and status of my condition. What I experienced from the clinic was not just a patient-doctor relationship. I got the most humane treatment I ever had from a doctor. I felt I was part of a family.

I was asked to go to the clinic on December 29, 2009 for the pregnancy test. I only prayed that I will be ready to accept whatever the result is. I know the success rate of invitro fertilization. God made it work. I was told by Tata that my hcg result was positive. It was the best thing for 2009.
Now, we have our Friedan and Zaira.

Dr. Tan and her staff have my trust and confidence. I am a living testament of her vast knowledge and experience in the field of infertility treatment. I personally experience her innate goodness and her desire to be instrumental in the realization of every woman’s desire to have a baby. If I were to undergo the same procedure, I will gladly do the REPRO OPTIMA way.

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